Busy is a choice …
‘Tony is a great speaker, he has a superb ability to make you look at how you approach every day in a new way. As someone who is guilty of answering every “How are you” request with “Busy”, Tony has made me sit up and think about the things I assume I have no choice about when in fact I do. His way of approaching this complex topic, is simple, honest and funny. I have so many things I want to change and I want to talk to my teams about’ – Carrie Birmingham, NEWS UK HR DIRECTOR
‘Tony has incredible insights for any executive audience. His observations into how we work, live, and prioritise have a profound and actionable impact on all. Tony’s preparation was second to none. His engagement in pre-event briefings resulted in a curated keynote, specifically tailored to the needs of our audience. His tone is perfect, authoritative, insightful, intellectual, accessible and relatable. I would recommend Tony as a Keynote speaker for any executive audience’– Anthony Pohl, GARTNER PROGRAM DIRECTOR[wc_divider style=”solid” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””]
Do you sleep with your phone by your bed, and reach for your first shot of email before your first shot of caffeine? Do you answer the questions ‘How are you?’ with the word ‘Busy’ and then launch into a lengthy moan / brag about how crazy your week has been? Do you feel overwhelmed in the office, frustrated you can’t do the real work because of all the distractions, and return home exhausted but unable to remember what you actually achieved that day. I discovered that busy is a choice. It’s not an inevitable consequence of modern life; it’s a really dumb strategy to cope with demands, to succeed at work and to be happy. It doesn’t work; in fact, it has the opposite effect. Based on extensive psychological research, in my talks I explain the real reasons we’re busy. I suggest simple, evidence-based practices that can help us regain a sense of control over our lives again. I explain why time management and productivity – legacies of the steam age – are killing our chances for personal success; and undermining organizational performance. I outline an alternative path to achievement, an approach more suited to our Attention Economy and to the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’. I’m a storyteller and facilitator, who entertains and engages while educating. I translate great research to provide the a-ha moments which inspire people to believe and take action. Most importantly of all, I provide tools and strategies so people can actually do things differently. The core value that runs through all of my work is about helping people and organizations to make positive changes to their behaviour; changes that stick. The outcome of a session with me is not just entertainment and insight; but a room full of people leaving the session and doing things differently. I have the greatest impact when I get an in-depth brief so I can address the specific needs of the audience: busyness might be an almost universal phenomenon, but the challenges and barriers to change vary between organizations.
[wc_divider style=”solid” line=”single” margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][blockquote source=”Hans Janssen, Denk Producties“]Thanks for making our seminar a remarkable one! We really enjoyed working together and you delivered a hell of a performance. Your style is really unique: with the the personal touch of a trainer, the sympathy of ‘an accidental guru’ and a number of great interventions that only the best speakers have. But most of all: we had a lot of fun. On stage and off. I am convinced that people in the audience feel this. It makes the difference between a ‘good’ and a ‘magnificent’ seminar.[/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Ben Young, Managing Partner, Ogilvy & Mather Advertising.“]It’s never an easy feat to capture and hold the attention of some of the greatest creative minds in UK advertising, but Tony Crabbe not only managed to do so for a full hour with our people from Ogilvy & Mather this week, but also successfully smashed through the occupational cynicism to lead an engaging and interactive discussion on Busy-ness. Tony’s insights on the problems of trying to cope with the scale and pace of business today (and, crucially, on how to fight back) was particularly relevant. Like almost all successful advertising agencies, Ogilvy is an organisation deluged with an ever-growing tide of urgent emails and crucial meetings that cascade down onto our creatives at exactly the same time we expect them to craft award-winning creative ideas for some of the best known brands in the world. It’s a difficult balance to get right. Eloquent and engaging from the start and with a host of great stories to illustrate his points, Tony turned what might have been a simple talk into a masterclass of action. You could see spirits lifting all over the room and, sure enough, the feedback after the session was amazing.[/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Natasha Chowdory, Microsoft UK Learning Centre“]On meeting Tony I was immediately struck by how affable he was – not something that I was expecting from someone that’s written a book and spends time with senior management. Added to that, he was funny –even on a one-to-one basis, I already knew that his 60 minutes were going to be good. What I didn’t anticipate is how well he’d engage the room. The talk was exceptional! It definitely helped that Tony had taken the time to assess the needs of his audience. Most of us were either nodding along in recognition at his anecdotes, when we weren’t laughing out loud at some of his wittier asides. The majority of people here struggle with balancing their time in front of a screen vs real human interaction, it was an incredible apt talk. Everyone came out of that room a little bit inspired, definitely energized and full of ideas, what more could you want from a speaker?[/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Nick Davis, Client Service Director, Posterscope“]Tony’s session was a resounding success with great engagement throughout, provoking lots of questions throughout the session. Tony also spent some time understanding our business beforehand, which meant that what could have an interesting presentation became much more relevant and valuable to all the attendees. We would highly recommend Tony for any business where managing time efficiently is crucial.[/blockquote] [blockquote source=”Kate Cochrane, Communications Manager, Posterscope“] The session with Tony Crabbe was truly inspiring. We are frequently overwhelmed by the sheer volume of emails, requests, information and communication in general and this session gave me valuable pointers in how to cut through this, work more effectively and deliver a far greater impact in what I do. I now organise my day into bite size chunks and this has given me back 30-45 mins per day for pro-active work. [/blockquote]